ERSAR – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos

The entity ERSAR regulates and supervises the sectors that provide drinking water, treat wastewater, and manage urban solid waste. To this end, they coordinate and monitor compliance with the quality regime of water for human consumption.

Featured services

Multimedia Design, Infographics, Motion Graphics


Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos



Institutional Brochure

Loop Studio was responsible for designing a new institutional brochure for ERSAR.
The brochure reflects the mission and activities of ERSAR clearly.

Interactive Infographics

Loop developed three infographics by adapting existing icons, with the purpose of creating a visually interactive experience seamlessly integrated into the ERSAR website. These infographics aim to make information more accessible, using mouse movements or touch screen, and provide a comprehensible and engaging approach to the audience.

Discover what each phase of the water supply cycle corresponds to by hovering over each icon with the cursor.
Iframe Responsivo
Descubra a que corresponde cada fase do ciclo de saneamento de águas residuais passando com o cursor por cima de cada ícone.
Iframe Responsivo
Descubra a que corresponde cada fase do ciclo de gestão de resíduos urbanos passando com o cursor por cima de cada ícone.
Iframe Responsivo

Awareness Notebooks

Consumer awareness is a crucial pillar in ERSAR's assignments, aiming to promote high-quality water and waste services at affordable prices. The second series of ERSAR Awareness Notebooks produced by Loop Studio are informative resources that provide consumers with essential information about water and urban waste services, addressing the topics of public water supply, urban wastewater sanitation, and urban waste management provided by service entities.

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Explanatory Videos

Loop Studio produced a series of explanatory videos on various topics, including meter readings, billing, water quality control, and urban waste separation. These videos were designed to be understandable by all, using clear language and engaging visual resources. The aim was to make complex topics simpler to understand, regardless of the viewer's prior knowledge.