Maida Smiles Clinic

Located in Maida Vale, in the northern part of the City of Westminster, Maida Smiles Clinic offers dentistry and facial aesthetics services with a highly qualified and experienced team in a very attractive space that has won several international architecture awards.

To better serve their clients and help clarify some of the most common doubts, a series of more than two dozen videos was produced where three dentists explain various issues, procedures, and care to be taken for different questions.

Featured services

Image and sound capture, Image post-production


Maida Smiles Clinic




London, UK

Dr. Pedro Gutierres

Implant and tooth extraction specialist explains what implants are, the necessary process to perform an implant, care to be taken with an implant, and situations when tooth extraction is necessary.

Dr.ª Inês do Carmo

Orthodontic specialist explains the different dental alignment issues that can be corrected using braces during childhood or adulthood, highlighting the various types of braces available.

Dr. Pedro Laranjeira

With a focus on aesthetic orthodontics, solutions are presented regarding teeth whitening, the use of crowns or veneers, and the correction of dental alignment using invisible aligners.