O Dia Mais Curto

The Agência da Curta Metragem - Short Film Agency organizes annually, on the 21st and 22nd of December, a variety of film programs designed for all ages and audiences. These programs include both Portuguese and international films, screened from north to south of the country, on the mainland as well as on the islands, as a way to celebrate the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year. This celebration pays tribute to the unique and original format of cinema worldwide: short films.

Loop Studio is responsible for developing the microsite dedicated to the event, providing a centralized location to access updated information such as screening venues, schedules, films, and synopses, in a simple and organized manner.

Featured services

Microsite Development, Content Management and Integration, Maintenance


Agência da Curta Metragem



Microsite O Dia Mais Curto

Microsite development for the annual event O Dia Mais Curto - The Shortest Day.