St. Peter’s International School

In a constantly changing world, it is up to the School to assume a prominent role as a leading socio-educational institution with significant social responsibilities. St. Peter's International School is a private school in Palmela and stands as a competitive and high-quality response.
To present the educational program of St. Peter’s International School, a series of videos were created where the coordinators of each educational cycle explain the main features of the program.

Featured services

Copywriting, Image and Sound Capture, Post-Production


St. Peter’s International School




Palmela, PT

Catarina Simão

Kindergarten Coordinator

Armando Simão


High School Coordinator

Drª. Ana Rita Sousa

Pedagogical Director

Coordinator of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education

Profª. Telma Luís

English Department for the 2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic and Secondary Education

Coordinator of the 2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic Education