Solar, Galeria de Arte Cinemática

Solar Galeria de Arte Cinemática exists in a period when access to film or video production has become somewhat easy, and the manipulation of this material is also possible thanks to widely available editing software. However, there is a border territory, a space for audiovisual, cinema, and video experimentation. It is in this territory that Solar resides, confronting the various paradigms that contribute to refreshment and ongoing dialogue: simultaneously a space for reflection and disruption. As a gallery with a permanent program, Solar Cinematic Art Gallery annually features the presentation of several exhibitions. For each of these exhibitions, Loop Studio, using the cinematic material from the artists, produces a short promotional spot for the event's dissemination through the gallery's media partners.

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Editing, motion graphics


Solar, Galeria de Arte Cinemática



Marie Losier & David Legrand – Excesso Chamalo

The exhibition "Excesso Chamalo," by Marie Losier and David Legrand, was the result of an intense and diverse creative process. The artistic work of the artist, which includes film, photography, music, and drawing, served as the starting point for the conception of the exhibition.

Membrana – João Pais Filipe e Mónica Baptista

Through the multidisciplinary creative work of João Pais Filipe and Mónica Baptista, the gallery is inhabited by objects, images, and sounds that form a whole, like a record of a relationship that extends over time and space, particularly that of the journey to remote landscapes.

Isaki Lacuesta

The exhibition path establishes differentiated relationships between works from different periods, starting with the early short films, moving through a project more focused on multichannel projection, and culminating in the most recent works as pieces created for songs.

Animar 15

The exhibition has a special focus on the works "Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days" by Regina Pessoa and also "Purpleboy" by Alexandre Siqueira. It presents artistic installations and an organized display of various materials that document the creative and production process of the films.

Rui Toscano

The gallery proposes a revisiting of specific moments from Rui Toscano's artistic journey. As installations, these works acquire a new spatial context, ingeniously articulating themselves with the architecture and materials of the building itself, even going so far as to forego the use of screens.

Cinco Filmes e Uma Máscara – Ricardo Jacinto

“Cinco Filmes e Uma Máscara”, is a solo exhibition by Ricardo Jacinto, whose work has been focusing on the relationships we establish with sound, space, and time. The artist's installations, which also incorporate video, raise questions about how we experience sound and how it relates to the surrounding space.

Salomé Lamas: Solo

Salomé Lamas produces her films by positioning herself on the terrain in a contemplative yet also incisive and direct manner when interacting with the characters. She is the author of rigorous and highly creative works that break away from established formulas and exist in a no man's land, somewhere between documentary and fiction, visual arts and cinema.

4.56.20 – João Tabarra

"Still in 2015, Nicole Brenez, with whom I have been collaborating lately, proposed a challenge by sending me a trailer for Jean-Luc Godard's film 'Numéro deux,' 1975. With Godard's approval, the idea was apparently simple: I could use four minutes, fifty-six seconds, and twenty frames of the film for my work, as long as I sent her a high-quality digital copy made from the original 35mm negative."

Rudimental – Mariana Caló e Francisco Queimadela

"For the exhibition at Solar, we gathered a collection of objects, paintings, videos, slides, and 16mm films that evoke visible events/data in everyday and domestic spaces. The gallery rooms were designed as environments where the elements are spatially interconnected, providing an immersive experience within the works."

Animar 19

ANIMar 19 deviates from the usual trend of focusing on Animation Cinema to showcase the history of Portuguese Cinema. In partnership with the FILMar film heritage digitization project of the Portuguese Cinematheque, this edition navigates through documentary, ethnofictional, and even advertising productions, all of which are closely connected to the sea.