Observatório Nacional de Luta Contra a Pobreza

With the aim of disseminating the data from the Barometer of the Observatory for Combating Poverty in the City of Lisbon 2011-2021, an impactful and informative content was produced for the National Observatory for Combating Poverty through a 2D animation video titled "A Vastness of Lives - Ten Years of Poverty Pathways in Lisbon".
Through 2D animation, it was possible to visually convey in a clear and engaging manner information about the process of conducting interviews and gathering data for the Poverty and Social Exclusion Barometer in the city of Lisbon over a decade.

Featured services

Creativity, Copywriting, Filmmaking, Character and set design, 2D Animation, Voiceover


Observatório Nacional de Luta Contra a Pobreza
